Saturday, September 14, 2013

Daily Log - 09/14/13

My schedule called for 9 miles today. This will be my third "long" run in a fasted/Ketogenic state.

Last night, a couple friends and I ate at Sizzlers. I ended up getting the steak with broccoli and melted butter and the salad bar. As usual, when I go to Sizzlers (not often), I take my main meal to go and just eat the salad bar. I want to get my moneys worth! I ate some broccoli salad, beef stew, carnitas pork and loads of guacamole. When I got home that night I took 6 capsules of Fish Oil and my Glusosamine Chondritin (pill 2 of a 2 pill serving).

I woke up met up with my friend Janice at the Back Bay around 7 AM. Janice has been my long run partner. She's a long time friend training for the Nike women's Half Marathon. She completed the full last year and has a couple of half marathons under her belt so she has a bit of experience under her.

After my usual dynamic stretching routine, we took off. Right off the bat, we had to climb a hill. I really hate starting on an uphill, as my body takes so long to get warmed up. Legs felt tight as usual, no rhythm in my step. Eventually we made it over and on the downhill and subsequent flat road ahead my body got warmed up. The run overall had about 6-7 rolling hills. The first one was the longest at 175 ft gain, but the rest were no more then 50-75 ft gain. I noticed that on the hills, my stomach would start to hurt. Not a cramp, but pain like I ate something bad and needed to go to the bathroom. I sucked it up and finished the run. It was quite disappointing as I had to focus so much on my stomach during the run. Lungs were great and legs were feeling ok.

This happened to me earlier this week during one of my shorter runs. I was running much faster, and felt the same pain in my stomach. I actually had to stop and use the bathroom mid run. Earlier that day I had a salad and broccoli for lunch and didn't have a chance to clear it out of my system before the run. I felt instantly better after going to the bathroom that day. I wonder if I'm taking in too much fiber before the run? Actually, I'm pretty sure that I am. I'm going to make sure I don't take in fiber unless I know for sure I will have time to clear it out of my system before the run.

I have 2 more long runs and a 10K "race" before my half marathon. I need to get my nutrition down because I do not want to have any issues on race day. 

Some other random observations from the day:

I had a Justin's Nut Butter at the 5 mile mark. Not sure how I feel about it. My stomach was in pain from the beginning of the run so I can't tell if I had a reaction or not to it. I'm still on the fence about in race fueling. I've been running my runs fasted and depending on my ketones and feeling fine, but part of me wonders how my body will be race day when I'm pushing the pace. I want to make sure I can handle whatever I decide to use. Plus, I really like to up my pace towards the end and want to make sure I have something in the tank. I've been listening to some podcasts and reading the website and MCT oil seems to be the trick so I may have to pick up some.

After the run, I stopped by Starbucks and got my usual quad espresso over ice with 3 splenda and heavy cream. It's amazing how within minutes of ingesting the caffeine and fat, my body felt "recovered" and numb from the run.

I also spent some time in the gym stretching and foam rolling.

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