As previously mentioned, this year started off with an ambitious goal. Run a half marathon a month until May where I would run my first full marathon. A week before that marathon, I signed up for my second and decided that I would just carry out this “at least half marathon a month” goal through out the year.
12 races (2 in Nov) of half marathon distance or longer later, and here I was, my last race of the year: The Lexus Lace Up Series half marathon right in my own back yard of Irvine. Half marathon #12 for me.
I was intimately familiar with this course since I used to run much of it when I started running. I knew it would be a flat and fast course, so the question of going out with a bang for the year and going for a PR naturally came to mind.
My previous half marathon PR (1:56) was at my August race, the America’s Finest City half marathon in San Diego. Even though I finally broke the 2 hour mark, this was not an ideal race as the day before I was at the Stone Brewing Company beer fest and was not following my regular way of eating.
Coming into the race, considering how not on my game I was in San Diego but was still able to hit 1:56 and how my 10K went the week before, I figured I could easily hit 1:55, but possibly 1:52. Around an 8:32 pace.
With the starting line so close to home, I procrastinated a bit and got to the race with only 15 mins to spare. I had a little run to the race area, so that served as a nice easy warm up and I was able to greet a few friends before the race started.
I positioned myself right after the 1:50 pacer, but I knew I wouldn’t attempt to keep up with her. The race started and we were off. I started with what I thought was too fast a pace for the first mile, 8:14. Right before mile 2, I came across a fellow member of my run clubs who was on his bike looking for our friends running. He cycled next to me for a bit and it helped me regulate my pace a bit. We were running along the “Mountains to Sea” river bike path/trail. The great thing about this area (Irvine/South OC) is how runner/biker friendly it is. This “trail” is a part of a web of trails that can get you from the mountiains of Peter’s Canyon to the coast of the Newport Back Bay barely having to cross streets or run with traffic.
Gradually I settled to about an 8:30 pace, which I wasn’t quite sure if I could maintain. I checked the course map prior to the race and knew there would be a very gradual climb from miles 3-6. I could feel it but it was very gradual and I was able to keep my pace. Part way to mile 3, my friend Brian caught up to me. He was a part of our Ragnar ultra team and is super fast. He started in the last corral and was holding back this race waiting for friends. That was until I told him about the relatively small field and that he possibly could have won it. He thought about it for a minute and took off like a bolt. He went on to finish 21st overall and 2nd in his age group despite holding back the first 3 miles. Ah, to have that speed.
I ran alone for a stretch. We kept running around the suburbs of Irvine, which while not the most scenic route I’ve ever run, made for a nice flat, fast, and clean course. I was left alone for a good portion as my friend went off to find our other friends. The support on the course was great with water stations at various intervals. I took in water ever other station or so, but no food through out the race.
Finally, I saw the mile 7 marker and I knew it would be flat or a gradual down hill from here and decided I would just go for it and made a push averaging about an 8:15 pace. Part of this was to finally pass up someone I was “reeling in” for a good 2-3 miles, the other part was to break away from someone who was particularly talkative and I didn’t feel like being social while pushing for a PR. Mile 10 had a particularly windy route with a hairpin turn so my pace dropped to 8:23, but my last 3 miles were at 8:13 with a strong sub 8 push at the end. Having my friend on bike next to me pushing to the end definitely helped.
The last mile or two I noticed that I was quickly closing in on the 1:50 pacer and thought to myself that it could not have been possible. Apparently it was, as I ended up passing her with less then a mile to go. I finished with an official time of 1:47:14, good for 9th in my age division, and absolutely destroying my previous PR of 1:56 and even shattering my original goal of 1:52. My GPS later told me it was .2 short, but I would not let that take away from how great I performed.
Night before (approx 10 hours before race start), 2 tabs of Nuun electrolytes
2.5 hours before race start, 2 shots of espresso
1 hour before race start, 1 tab of Nuun electrolytes
1 hour before race start, 3000 MG of MCT oil
1 hour before, 1 packet Generation UCAN Superstarch - Pomegranate Blueberry
During race, 2 sips of water every 2 or 3 water stations
My 2 shots of espresso are my staple and help me clean out my system pre race. It’s so much easier now that I have my Starbucks Verismo. I’ve also used the 3000 MG of MCT oils for most of my prior races. Helps jump start the fat burning system.
This was my first time racing with UCAN and really my second time using it at all, so it was a big experiment. The Pomegranite Blueberry was infinitely easier to take down than the Orange flavor I tried last time. The UCAN definitely helped with consistent energy throughout the race even though I was pushing fairly hard and probably maintaining a zone 4. I did not have my HR monitor on unfortunately as the battery was dead. And to top it off, no stomach discomfort at all. I look forward to using this for my training and the LA Marathon. If I could finish hilly San Francisco fasted using MCT and BCAAs only, I can only imagine how LA will go with this stuff.
This was a perfect way to end my 2014. A PR, a nice flat race close to home, a successful test of nutrition, and of course, a great time with running friends. I’m looking forward to running in 2015.
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