More #chasingsunsets with #chasingnewport. #lululemon #runclub #running #takesover #instarunners #furtherfasterforever #silhouette #sunset #balboa #newportbeach (at Balboa Island, Newport Beach)
Thursday, April 30, 2015
#chasingsunsets with #chasingnewport. It’s kind of our...
#chasingsunsets with #chasingnewport. It’s kind of our thing. #lululemon #runclub #running #asseenonmyrun #balboa #newportbeach #takesover #sunset #skyporn #nofilter (at Balboa Island, Newport Beach)
Wednesday, April 29, 2015
As seen on our #chasingnewport run tonight. The city is getting...
As seen on our #chasingnewport run tonight. The city is getting ready. Everyone running #ocmarathon on Sunday will be running in our run backyard and get to enjoy our weekly routes and views. #running #halfmarathon #marathon #beachcitieschallenge
It’s #humpday and I haven’t been this excited for a...
It’s #humpday and I haven’t been this excited for a weekend in a while. Avengers AOU, Pacquiao/mayweather, and pacing the OC half marathon! #running #avengers #comics #maypac #teampacquiao #ocmarathon #marvel #movies #comicnerd #halfmarathon #avengersageofultron #imax
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
Never trust that first mile. I was not feeling the run to start....
Never trust that first mile. I was not feeling the run to start. A few miles in and found my groove with the help of one of our faster runners. Ended up getting a decently paced 6 in. #running #runclub #werunoc #roninrunners #nuunbassador #furtherfasterforever #garmin #920xt #lowcarbrunner #rnrsd #rnrsea #marathon #training (at South Coast Plaza)
Great run with the run fam today. Warm weather was perfect for a...
Great run with the run fam today. Warm weather was perfect for a run around the park. #running #runclub #werunoc #roninrunners #southcoastplaza #nuunbassador #SquareInstaPic (at Carl Thornton Park)
Saturday, April 25, 2015
A nice and easy paced 18 this morning along the Newport Back...
A nice and easy paced 18 this morning along the Newport Back Bay. Gloomy and cool but no rain during the run. Perfect running weather. #running #rnrsd #marathon #training #nuunbassador #generationucan #lowcarbrunner #asnailspace #newportbeach #backbay (at Newport Back Bay Loop)
Friday, April 24, 2015
#tbt to last year’s OC marathon. My first full marathon....
#tbt to last year’s OC marathon. My first full marathon. This year I am the official pacer for the 2 hour half. Anyone looking to hit their 2 hour goal, come find me and my @asprunning team and I will pace you to your goal. #throwbackthursday #running #ocmarathon #nuunbassador #racingforacure #asnailspace #beachcitieschallenge #newportbeach #costamesa
#chasingnewport gets an elevated perspective. #lululemon...
#chasingnewport gets an elevated perspective. #lululemon #runclub #chasingsunsets #running #nuunbassador #fashionisland #newportbeach #nabisquaredhd #latergram (at lululemon athletica Newport Beach)
Hey everyone! Please do us a favor and check out and vote for...
Hey everyone! Please do us a favor and check out and vote for team #furtherfasterforever Ragnar So Cal “Find You Inner Wild” video contest entry. Link is in my profile or go to Thanks so much and happy running! #f3 #f3ragnar #running #ragnarrelay #ragnarsocal #innerwild #nuunbassador #huntingtonbeach #sandiego (at Ragnar So Cal)
Saturday, April 18, 2015
Showed up to our normal Sat morning run spot to be suprised by a...
Showed up to our normal Sat morning run spot to be suprised by a “Flash half marathon/5k” with full support from our #lululemon #chasingnewport run club. Great times with the run fam. Yes, that is a donut medal. #flashrungo #running #runfam #backbay #newport
Thursday, April 16, 2015
“The handoff” #tbt to last weeks #ragnarsocal with...
“The handoff” #tbt to last weeks #ragnarsocal with team @furtherfasterforever. Passing the “baton” on my final leg and to our final runner, @inanutchelle. Posted my Ragnar video recap on my blog. Link in profile. Thanks to @ragnarrelay for the photo! #ragnover #ragnarrelay #furtherfasterforever #f3ragnar #f3 #running #relay #hb2sd
VIDEO: 2015 Ragnar Relay So Cal - Team Further Faster Forever
Or view on Youtube:
Chasing sunsets with #chasingnewport. Yesterday’s...
Chasing sunsets with #chasingnewport. Yesterday’s beautiful run along Balboa Island. #running #lululemon #runclub #balboa #newportbeach #fashionisland #sunset (at Balboa Island, Newport Beach)
Wednesday, April 15, 2015
A fasted 9 miler with my #chasingnewport family. Sporting Boston...
A fasted 9 miler with my #chasingnewport family. Sporting Boston marathon colors with my NB Minimus. #runforboston #onebostonday #bostonstrong #running #lululemon #runclub #vibram #newbalance #garmin #furtherfasterforever #newportbeach (at lululemon athletica Newport Beach)
Monday, April 13, 2015
In a brief break from Ragnar posting, look what came in the...
In a brief break from Ragnar posting, look what came in the mail. My Rock N Roll Race Series tour pass. Look forward to putting this to good use for the rest of the year. May need a new medal rack after 2015. #runalltheraces #running #runrocknroll #rocknrollmarathon #rnrtourpass #heavymedals #medalwhore
Now that was an awesome finish line. Great time celebrating with...
A special double espresso edition of my #mugmonday x...
A special double espresso edition of my #mugmonday x #medalmonday remix in honor of #ragnarsocal this weekend. #coffee #espresso #starbucks #youareherecollection #yah #medals #medalwhore #running #ragnarrelay #f3ragnar #furtherfasterforever #coffeeaddict #runalltheraces
Sunday, April 12, 2015
Generally, when you’re asked to jump in a van full of...
Generally, when you’re asked to jump in a van full of strangers, it’s not the best idea. But when it’s #fasterfurtherforever asking you to join their team to run some 200ish miles from Huntington Beach to San Diego, you jump on the opportunity to run and get to know some really awesome runners, endurance athletes and people. Despite some cramped spaces, minimal sleep, bumps, bruises, vomit, irregular nutrition timing, and precious cargo we completed Ragnar So Cal and had a blast doing it. It was a great experience and I made some new friends who share a similar passion. Who said running was an individual sport? #running #ragnarsocal #ragnarrelay #furtherfasterforever #f3ragnar #f3 #innerwild
Saturday, April 11, 2015
Ragnar So Cal 2015 complete! #spoilsofwar #running #f3ragnar...
Ragnar So Cal 2015 complete! #spoilsofwar #running #f3ragnar #furtherfasterforever #f3 #ragnarsocal #ragnarrelay #innerwild #notlowcarb #earnedit (at Ragnar So Cal)
What’s your excuse not to run? #f3ragnar...
What’s your excuse not to run? #f3ragnar #furtherfasterforever #f3 #ragnarrelay #ragnarsocal #innerwild #running
We’ve been up all day and night running, driving, getting...
We’ve been up all day and night running, driving, getting whatever bits of shut eye we can, and it’s 7AM, but don’t tell us that! Van 2 shenanigans in Torrey Pines. Happy f'n birthday Michelle! #f3ragnar #van2 #furtherfasterforever #riseandrun #running #ragnarsocal #ragnarsocal #innerwild (at Del Mar, Califorina)
Good morning from #f3ragnar van 2! #ragnarsocal #ragnarrelay...
Good morning from #f3ragnar van 2! #ragnarsocal #ragnarrelay #furtherfasterforever #running #riseandrun (at Torrey Pines State Natural Reserve)
After my second leg, ran escort for our captain who is carrying...
After my second leg, ran escort for our captain who is carrying precious cargo. #twinsonboard #extracredit #runallnight #f3ragnar #furtherfasterforever #running #ragnarsocal #ragnarrelay #innerwild #latergram
Friday, April 10, 2015
My first leg of Ragnar So Cal done. Those rolling hills though....
My first leg of Ragnar So Cal done. Those rolling hills though. #ragnarsocal #running #f3ragnar #furtherfasterforever #lagunaniguel #strava #nuunbassador #newbalance (at Laguna Niguel, California)
Team @furtherfasterforever about to cover 200 (ish) miles from...
Team @furtherfasterforever about to cover 200 (ish) miles from HB to SD! Repost from @inanutchelle #furtherfasterforever #f3 #ragnarsocal #ragnarrelay #innerwild #running
The journey begins here. Huntington Beach to San Diego #running...
The journey begins here. Huntington Beach to San Diego #running #ragnarrelay #ragnarsocal #furtherfasterforever #f3 (at Huntington Beach)
Thursday, April 9, 2015
#TBT to last year’s Ragnar Napa Valley Ultra....
#TBT to last year’s Ragnar Napa Valley Ultra. Rockin’ my @furtherfasterforever shirt and prepping for my longest leg(s) in the middle of the night. I thought I was going to sit out this weekend’s Ragnar So Cal but was tapped last minute to fill in for who else, but team #furtherfasterforever. Looking forward to repping #F3 from HB to SD. #throwbackthursday #running #ragnarrelay #ragnarnapa #ragnarsocal #nuunbassador #curearthritis #lowcarbrunner
Wednesday, April 8, 2015
Chasing sunsets with #chasingnewport. #lululemon #runclub...
Chasing sunsets with #chasingnewport. #lululemon #runclub #running #sunset #coronadelmar #newportbeach (at lululemon athletica Newport Beach)
Second run with the new shoes today. Added some extra miles to...
Second run with the new shoes today. Added some extra miles to my weekly run with Lululemon run club. Kept the pace and effort low to moderate. One of my training mistakes for LAM was running many of my runs at way too high an effort. Today felt relaxed and the shoes feel great so far. #running #chasingnewport #newbalance #minimus #vibram #garmin #nuunbassador #lowcarbrunner #newportbeach (at lululemon athletica Newport Beach)
Tuesday, April 7, 2015
First run in the new shoes. #running #newbalance #minimus...
First run in the new shoes. #running #newbalance #minimus #vibram #garmin #fasted #lowcarbrunner #nuunbassador #southcoastplaza (at South Coast Plaza)
New running shoes courtesy of @asprunning and @newbalance. Had...
New running shoes courtesy of @asprunning and @newbalance. Had to stick with Vibram/minimal sole so picked up the Minimus. Hope the Boston marathon colors make me faster. 🏃🏃🏃 Will still be switching it up with the Five Fingers though. #running #shoes #gear #newbalance #minimus #vibram #asprc #asnailspace (at New Balance OC)
Here we go again! Disney to LV Part 2! This time with 2...
Here we go again! Disney to LV Part 2! This time with 2 challenges thrown in for good measure. Infinity Gauntlet challenge and the RNR remix challenge. #challengeaccepted #running #2halves2states1day #2challenges1weekend #rundisney #runrocknroll #tourpass #nuunbassador #lowcarbrunner #marvel #comicnerd
Saturday, April 4, 2015
Beautiful morning for a nice and easy fasted 12 around the...
Beautiful morning for a nice and easy fasted 12 around the Newport Back Bay and Balboa Island. #running #fasted #vibramfivefingers #nuunbassador #newport #backbay #balboa #lowcarbrunner (at Newport Back Bay Loop)